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Join the Conversation and #ThankYourMentor

Mentoring helps drive small business success, and we at BusinessAdvising.org are happy to be a part of your company’s growth. According to the Small Business Association, 70 percent of small businesses that receive mentoring survive to their ten-year mark — that’s more than double the rate for a non-mentored small businesses.

But, the support provided by programs such as BusinessAdvising.org wouldn’t be here at all, were it not for the hundreds of advisors who volunteer their time each and every month. In the spirit of quality mentorship, and as a way to showcase your continued appreciation, we invite you to join us in the national #ThankYourMentor campaign taking place right now through LinkedIn.

How Can I Join In?

Consider contributing to LinkedIn’s “Thank Your Mentor” blog series. In this series, professionals and business owners like you thank those who helped them reach where they are today. If you’re interested, you can read the posts here, then write your own. Use #ThankYourMentor and @mention your mentor and #BusinessAdvising.org when sharing.

But I Don’t Have Time to Write a Blog…

Time is tight for every small business owner. If you don’t have the bandwidth to participate in the blog series, just send your favorite mentor a social media shout out! You can tweet on Twitter or post on LinkedIn using the hashtag #ThankYourMentor. Be sure to @mention your mentor and link up with your small business community with the hashtag #BusinessAdvising.org.  For the ever-busy entrepreneur, we’ve created a few character-count friendly templates below. Now, how easy is that?!I

  • Thank you to my #BusinessAdvising.org mentor @mentor for working with me in growing my business! #ThankYourMentor
  • I wouldn’t be where I am without the support of my #BusinessAdvising.org mentor, @mentor. Thank you for believing in me! #ThankYourMentor
  • Thank you to @mentor from #BusinessAdvising.org for helping to take my business to the next level #ThankYourMentor