Two New Updates To

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Free small business mentor advisor coach

We’re happy to announce two new features that we’ve recently added to the platform, for both small business owners and advisors: mentorship goal setting, and a tool to schedule meetings between advisee and advisor.

Using Our Goal Setting Page

Setting up a goal is a great way to hold yourself and/or your advisee accountable for achieving specific objectives within an advising match, and to measure progress. You can also use the goals feature as a place to take and store notes, and as a discussion thread between and advisor and advisee.

Learn more about the tool, and see how to use it to get the most out of your advising partnership:

Setting up a goal is fairly straightforward. Head to the Partnerships tab, and find the partnership that you want to set a goal in.

How To Schedule A Meeting With Your Advisor or Advisee

After you spoke with our program team on the phone, we helped to set up the kick-off call for your advising match. From there, it’s up to a small business owner and advisor to schedule their future meetings. In this tutorial, we quickly walk you through how to use the scheduling tool for both the advisor and advisee to schedule future meetings.

Simple, right? Click over to your Partnerships page, head to “Schedule A Meeting”, and set up the meeting invitation.